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HomeAboutPfizer ChinaPresident LetterGrasp the trend of the times and win the future with science

In the long course of human development, we have been using scientific weapons to bravely face and overcome many serious diseases that significantly affect people's lives and health. Science is particularly important for the current world full of uncertainty.


Adhering to the concept that “Science Will Win”, Pfizer has always been based on the forefront of the times and brought “breakthroughs that change patients' lives” by combining transformative technology with cutting-edge science. Over the past more than 170 years, our innovative products have benefited 1.4 billion patients worldwide, and one in six people in the world have used or are using Pfizer's products.


Pfizer entered the Chinese market in 1989. Rooted in China for more than 30 years, Pfizer has become one of the leading foreign pharmaceutical companies in China. With the strong scientific research capacity and international advantageous resources, Pfizer has marketed high-quality innovative products in five fields in China, including prescription drugs and vaccines in the fields of oncology, vaccines, anti-infectives, inflammation and immunology, rare diseases, etc. A strong product line is designed to meet the health needs of patients at all stages of their lives.


In 2021, Pfizer transformed into an innovative and patient-first biopharmaceutical company based on science. Pfizer is taking a brand-new attitude to meet opportunities and challenges, remaining true to our original “patient-centered” aspiration, striving to promote the prevention, treatment, and cure of diseases.


Advanced New Pfizer, Science Wins Future!

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